If you live in Kingston, Belleville, Trenton catch the Goldhar “Shed the Debt” segment on the WS Daily show

WATCH ON LIVE STREAM. This Monday, January 26, 2015, catch the debut of “Shed the Debt”, a feature segment airing Mondays at about 5:10 pm on the WS Daily, Kingston’s daily evening news magazine show. Trustee Richard Goldhar and Jeff Maracle, your Goldhar Debt Specialist in the Kingston/Belleville area, will be talking about the Christmas Bills Blues and what to do when you know you just can’t pay off the credit cards. They will also share their professional insights on why people ignore the warning signs of debt trouble, and offer suggestions on how Goldhar can help you shed the debt and get back to a balanced and healthy budget.

Tune in to CKWS at 5 pm for the WS Daily show and watch “Shed the Debt” with Richard Goldhar and Jeff Maracle.

If you don’t get CKWS on your tv, you can watch the live stream of the broadcast here:  http://www.ckwstv.com/live-player/

And if you miss the live broadcasts, we’ll post a video clip of this segment later in the week.

Tube  in again next Monday for a fresh segment with Kingston’s friendliest debt resolution team – Richard Goldhar and Jeff Maracle.