Knowing you have a debt problem is the first step toward solving your debt problem.
If too many of the following sound familiar, it may be time to rethink the way you use credit cards and lines of credit.
- Your credit cards or lines of credit are constantly maxed out.
- Your monthly payments never reduce the amount that you owe.
- Your bank account is constantly in overdraft.
- You miss mortgage payments.
- Basic household utilities have been cut off.
- You are relying on family/friends to get to the next paycheque.
- Your wages or bank accounts are garnished.
- Creditors are calling and threatening to repossess your assets or take other legal action.
- Your credit card privileges are suspended.
- Your line of credit is cancelled.
- All of the above keeps happening over and over.
There are other warning signs that may be identified by a financial professional. For example, when you are seeking a loan, a mortgage, home equity financing, or even investment advice, the following is a list of telling warning signs that you are struggling with debt:
- Low credit score (with no plan to repair it)
- High ratio of debt to income
- Over-extension of credit
- Cashing out insurance policies to pay creditors or cover expenses
- Home equity financing to meet cash flow needs
- Personal debts owed to family/friends
- Unfiled income taxes/unpaid arrears
- Garnished wages or bank accounts
- Liens on property
Can you relate to more than one of the above? Don’t fret. Identifying that you have a debt issue is the big first step on the path to a debt-free future. The next steps are simpler than you might think.
Start by connecting with the licensed insolvency professionals at Goldhar & Associates to review your total debt picture and discuss solutions that are tailored to your unique situation. Your shed the debt® consultation is free of charge, with no obligation to move forward with the proposed solutions.
Whether you’ve just started slipping into the habit of debt, or have been struggling with it for a long time, Goldhar & Associates can help you overcome this challenge.
Goldhar & Associates has offices across Ontario, from Ottawa in the east, to Windsor and Chatham in the southwest, and everywhere in between.
Call #(pound)debt (3328) on your mobile phone to find the Goldhar office nearest you, or call toll-free at 1-855-541-5114.
You can also use this easy contact form to request a meeting time.