Richard Goldhar offers insights to help lawyers advise clients with debt issues.

Richard Goldhar is featured as an author in the September 30, 2016 edition of Lawyer’s Weekly.

In his article, “No dishonor in estate bankruptcy”,  Richard shares a real life story of how he helped a widow protect her assets from creditors, and offers other insights to assist lawyers who encounter debt issues in the course of client representation. The article includes helpful definitions for consumer proposals and bankruptcies, and suggests situations where consultation with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee could be of benefit to both lawyer and client.

Read the article here:

Legal professionals are welcome to contact Goldhar to discuss a client situation and arrange for a free and confidential shed the debt® review of a client’s financial situation, with no obligation to proceed.

Call Goldhar & Associates at 1-855-541-5114. Or fast dial #DEBT (#3328) on your mobile phone.